EverGreenCoin Specifications

EverGreenCoin is a cryptocurrency that uses the following specifications:

Algorithm: X15 PoW + PoS hybrid
PoW length: 525,960 blocks ( ~6 months, PoW has ended)
PoW generated supply: 13 million EverGreenCoin

Block target: 180 seconds
Block maturity: 60 blocks (~3 hours)
Transaction full confirmation: 7 blocks (~21 minutes)

PoS reward: 7% annual
Minimum coin age for staking: 24 hours after maturity or full confirmation
Maximum coin age for staking: none

P2P port: 5757 (testnet 15757)
RPC port: 5758 (testnet 15758)

Seed nodes:

Configuration file: evergreencoin.conf (supports staking=0)

Use of addnodes in a configuration file of EverGreenCoin is unadvised.
Letting the wallet find peers through the DNS seednodes is optimal.